Five Seduction Tips to Make Her Want You by Scott Patterson
Posted On at by lulapapsShifting from talking to a woman and becoming intimate can sometimes be a difficult transition. It may be easy to engage her in conversation, but it is another thing to transition into the bedroom and become more intimate.
Don't sit around and wait on that rare woman to approach you. Rather, you need to learn the art of seduction. So, if you find it difficult to get to the bedroom with a girl, do not worry. To seduce a woman you simply need the right technique and some practice.
Here are five seduction tips you can use. Take some time to learn each one, implement them and practice. Soon, you will find that it really isn't that difficult to transition from conversation to intimacy.
Tip 1: Make Sure She is Attracted To You
Before you can even begin to seduce her, you need to be sure she is attracted to you. Otherwise, the tips below will be useless.
The best way to accomplish this is to flirt heavily while you are talking to her and slightly introduce the topic of sex into the discussion. You should definitely not be afraid to tease her. This keeps the conversation light and fun. The more relaxed she is with you, the easier it will be to take things to the next level and seduce her.
Tip 2: Initiate Physical Contact During the Conversation
This is one of the more important seduction tips. During the conversation, it is essential that you slightly touch her when you want to make a point about a comment you made or even in reaction to one of her comments. Of course, do not go overboard with this tip.
Seduction is a process. It is about building chemistry, rapport and attraction. It is not about whipping your clothes off and jumping directly into bed.
However, initiating physical contact while you are talking helps her become more comfortable with you. Now, if you notice her shying away when you touch her, she is probably not interested in you as a potential sexual partner. This tip is a good way to evaluate her interest level also so you do not waste too much time, only to find out in the end she really isn't interested.
Tip 3: Take Things to a Private Spot
This third tip is another important step in the seduction process. The final two tips cannot work without it, though it really is just the next logical move. Basically, you need to be in a location where you can actually have sex whether it is back to your place or her place.
To make this happen, though, she needs to trust you. So, when you are talking to her and flirting, work on building that trust and being trustworthy. Do not say anything to make her "think twice" or question you. The more she trusts you, the easier it will be to seduce her and move things to a private spot.
Tip 4: Kiss Her the Right Way
Once you have made it to a private location, it is time to begin working on the physical side.
Once you have been touching her and know that she is attracted to you, you can go ahead and kiss her. But, how you kiss her is very important at this stage.
Do you ram your tongue down her throat, but rather go slowly and lightly. You want to kiss her passionately. Once you notice her responding to this, you can increase the intensity.
Tip 5: Increase the Intensity
In the final tip, you can move from kissing to sex. After you have kissed her for awhile, begin to tease her. Kiss or lightly nibble her neck, or pull her hair. The goal is to turn her on, but take you time doing it. Focus on pleasuring her, not you.
After a little teasing, you can move on to other foreplay. If you have followed the relationship advice above, you should find that it is not a difficult transition to move into sex. Always remember to take your time and let things gradually build in intensity.
Ultimately, following these five tips above can make having sex with a woman a lot easier. Always remember that the seduction process is just that -a process. You must build the attraction and develop trust. So, learn these tips above, implement them and practice them. You will be glad you did!
Want to check out free seduction videos? On the following FREE site, Scott Patterson will help you discover a wide selection of great seduction and pickup videos which can dramatically increase your ability to succeed with women.
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3 Vital Steps To Attract Beautiful Women At Will and Gain Unstoppable Confidence by Kyle Richey
Posted On at by lulapapsLearning how to attract beautiful women is something most guys feel is impossible. "I'm not her type." "Attracting beautiful women is just something some guys are born with, and I'm just not one of those guys." "She's way out of my league." Sound familiar? Well, get all that behind you! By the end of this article, you will know everything you need to attract beautiful women at will by unleashing the confidence from within you.
The most important thing to remember is that the guys that attract beautiful women are really no different than you, except for one major thing: they know what works, and they put it into action. That is honestly much easier than it sounds. These tips and simple steps will help reinforce what works, and all you have to do is take action. The best part is that taking action gets easier and easier, the more you get the results you desire. That's how 'those guys' end up getting every girl you've ever liked, and by the night's end you'll be better than them, and not nearly as shallow.
The 3 basic stages of attraction:
1) For Starters
2) Conversation
3) The beyond
These are the three essential stages to attracting beautiful women. Each one is driven by one thing: confidence. The key is to show her you're confident with yourself, and confident that you can improve her life in some way, without bragging or making her uncomfortable.
1) Starters
Appearance is very important for getting things started. No matter how your appearance stands right now, there are hundreds of simple things you can do to improve it. Clothes, build, skin, accessories and cars are all examples of simple things to improve your confidence. You've seen it a million times: the guys that get them all just seem to have it all. There's no coincidence here. However, the key is not to replicate everyone else, but to create your own identity, slightly bending the mold.
You do NOT have to be rich, talented, smart, ripped or hilarious to attract beautiful women. Having a balance of some or all of these things is much better for sealing the deal. If you drive up in a Ferrari and you have huge muscles, you'll get tons of attention. But when the hot girls that talk to you find out you're a total jerk you'll have a tough time from that point on.
Do the things you want to do to improve your own life and build your confidence, and the beautiful women will be attracted with no effort.
Just find your identity with your appearance, and play it up. Build as much confidence in yourself as possible by taking simple steps to improve your looks like taking care of your skin, nails, hair, etc. and exercising regularly. Be sure to stick to a good diet, eating 5-6 small meals per day and avoiding high-fat and oily foods. There are tons of sources for info on these topics, and many are free. Simply subscribing to a magazine or two or looking online can help with many of these things. Follow solid advice and watch your energy skyrocket along with your confidence!
2) Conversation
After you've built up your confidence, you'll be surprised at how much easier it is to approach gorgeous women. Keep things simple. Think first about what she would expect, and how it's different from what she wants. Think from her perspective and stay confident.
Strike up a conversation about anything going on around you, not about her looks with some cheesy pickup line! Once she starts to respond, focus on the basics. Let her talk about herself, but put in your two cents. Play off of her emotions. Make her laugh, get slightly dramatic even, just don't get carried away with details and overwhelm her. Don't complain about your problems, don't mention inside jokes, and don't talk politics, religion or dirty jokes.
Always keep things comfortable, but don't be afraid to push the envelope without offending. Tease her about something little, ask her about sex, feel free to get her thinking, as long as she is comfortable!
Tell her what you're into, your dreams, where you work, where you want to work, where you're from. There is so much to talk about when you first meet someone. Get excited to hear about her life, and make sure to tell her about yours. Just keep a balance between prying too much and being boring, and you'll easily move on to the fun part!
3) The beyond
After you hit it off with her, you're home free. Whether you're looking for a one-night stand, someone to date randomly or even a spouse, it's all the same at first. Treat her right, gradually reveal more about yourself and dig deeper into her life. Don't be too pushy, but don't be afraid to talk about sex and your relationship status, as it feels comfortable.
The more you get to know her, the easier it will be for you to determine where you want to go with the relationship. Stay confident, and get what you want. The best way to attract beautiful women is to be confident with yourself by taking action to improve your own life, then finding a balance when learning about her. Take this advice, put it into action, and attract beautiful women at will!
To recap, your three steps to attract beautiful women and gain unstoppable confidence are:
1) Decide what you want to improve about yourself and your life
2) Learn as much as you can from people who know how to do what you want to do
3) Take action and enjoy life!
Learn all the simple secrets to attract beautiful women and have them chasing after you with no effort, from a beautiful woman herself! Get everything you need to unleash the fiery confidence from within you, and get the girl of your dreams now!
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Human Pheromones And Sexual Attraction: Not So Strange Bedfellows by Christopher Jay
Posted On at by lulapapsMuch of life is governed by what we cannot see. Viruses are microscopic, as are chemicals that can get rid of the virus. The microscopic universe has more to do with how we behave and feel than we would like to usually believe. We like to think that we are independent creatures with free will.
The truth is, we are often at the mercy of molecules that are millions of times smaller than ourselves. Why do we choose the mates we do, for example? It could be looks, it could be the phase of the moon, but big deciding factors are tiny scent cells called human pheromones. And sexual attraction just got more out of control than you at first thought.
Love Is The Drug
When a creature is ready for mating, they send out a lot of signals seen and unseen. One of the most effective way of advertising your availability is through scent. Usually this is put out through the creatures urine, glands or even sweat. But what is the chemical message the potential mates are looking for? Pheromones. They are tiny scent cells that trigger the sexual parts of the smellers brain. Human pheromones and sexual attraction are always one right after another.
Pheromones in other animals were discovered in the 1970s. These pheromones were used in insecticide traps to lure males of the species hoping for a good time to their deaths. It was not until 1986, in Philadelphia, that two scientists, Dr Winnifred Cutler and Dr. George Preti were able to discover human pheromones and sexual attraction in the opposite sex that they can trigger. All of us unconsciously put these pheromones in the air when we are healthy or on the make. Human pheromones, and sexual attraction, lure mates together.
A 2006 study in Karolinska Institute in Sweden revealed that homosexuals respond differently than heterosexuals when exposed to the same human pheromones. Sexual attraction for lesbians for other women was aroused in their brain wave patterns and the same for gay men, who were attracted to mens pheromones.
Bald Is Beautiful
Human pheromones and sexual attraction bring big business. You can buy human pheromones to add to your favorite perfume or cologne in order to help encourage a prospective mate. It is also thought that bald men emit more human pheromones and sexual attraction than hair covered men. That is an urban myth and has not been scientifically proven. However, would you turn down a date with Sean Connery? I do not think so.
Christopher Jay has much more information available at Types of Massage .com To discover why Human Pheromones And Sexual Attraction can be fun, if you know what to look for.
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Kissing On The First Date Or More? by Lee Blackspur
Posted On at by lulapapsSo how do you know when more than kissing on the first date is acceptable? Is it when you fall madly in love the first time you see the person or is it because of something else?
Kissing on the first date has been a taboo subject for decades way before any of our time. Today dating is much different and kissing on the first date is not as big a deal as it was several years ago. But, the question remains how do you know if kissing or more should be a part of the first date? Here are a few things that you should take into consideration when thinking about how far to go on your date.
First are you female or male?
If you are a male this is a no brainer, a lot of men would go all the way before the first date if that were possible. Men do not worry about what you are going to think of them tomorrow or how society may frown upon their sexual excursions. Men do not worry so much about the technicalities of dating. Women on the other hand have an entire set of criteria that they consider before they will even touch a man. They are thinking about how it will look, what others will say and will he be respectful tomorrow. Men and women are wired completely different and in order to decide what is right for you, it takes an examination of a few inner beliefs.
What makes you feel good?
Yes, sex makes you feel good, but that is not what we mean here. Think the situation through before acting upon your feelings. How will you feel about the decision tomorrow, next week or next year? Will you regret the fact, be embarrassed about it or feel good about it. This is the leading problem with those individuals that engage in sex on the first date. They often end up regretting it because they did not consider the consequences or think it all the way through. So think it through and just do not jump in the sack for fifteen minutes of fame.
Who is this person?
Another consideration in kissing on the first date and/or sex, is who are you with? Do you know this person and do you really like this person? Is this someone that you want to spend time with or are you looking for something else? Do you need someone to listen to you, or love you and instead of seeking the right thing you turn to sex. This is a very common issue, people are looking for something and are not sure what it is, so they turn to physical satisfaction. If this person is not someone that you can see yourself with past tonight, you may want to take the relationship a little slower.
Go for it
Of course most people are going to say that kissing on the first date is completely different than sex on the first date. Since there is not a dating code or law it is hard to know whether or not if you should. A simple kiss shouldnt be a big deal, right? Well, to most people it is not a big deal, but there are those that take it very seriously. Everyone is different so what may be a minor kiss, may be a true life changing event to them, so this is something that you have to decide. Most people would agree, however that if you are attracted, feel a connection and are interested go for a kiss on the first date. If not and you are not sure about the person, play it by ear, go out with them again to see where it leads.
Do what is right for you.
Do not get too wound up in what others think or what is right for them. Everyone is different and just because someone has an opinion does not make it right. So you do what feels right for you and quit worrying about everyone else. Have a positive dating relationship and consider yourself, no one else!
Lee Blackspur is the owner of which provides free online and offline dating tips, advice and articles for men, women and teens of all ages and experience.
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First Date Conversation Topics to Win Her Over by Scott Patterson
Posted On at by lulapapsAsk yourself: What is the most stressful part of a first date? More likely than not, you answered this to be the conversation. The truth is that the conversation on a first date can be the difference between success and failure. When you know what to ask and what topics to bring up, you increase the chances of attracting her and securing dates in the future.
So, what should you ask on the first date?
Well, I will first answer this with what not to ask...anything that is boring! This is an excellent way to ensure this is your last date with her. Remember, women are not attracted to boring guys. It's that simple.
Terrific first dates involve conversation topics that help build chemistry between you both. Generally, first date conversation topics should focus on getting her interested in you.
Here are a few first date topics and/or questions you should opt for during the conversation:
Hobbies and Interests. Everyone loves to talk about their interests and passions. If you ask a woman about what she loves, she will begin to discuss her hobbies and interests positively. She will then transfer these positive emotions triggered during the conversation to you and will become more attracted to you. How she feels during and by the end of the conversation is what she will remember. If it brought on positive emotions, she will think more positively of her time with you and want to get to know you better.
Dreams and Aspirations. Women also love to talk about their dreams, goals and aspirations. Be sure to ask what she has always wanted to do but has not yet done. You will notice how excited she becomes about her dreams and goals which will, again, result in positive emotions she will transfer to you.
What She Would Do. By this, I mean that you need to ask her situations questions: "What would you do if...". These are great way to bring out her personality. For instance, you can ask her what she would do if she won the lottery and never had to work again. Or, what she had a million dollars to spend in one week.
The point is to make the questions interesting. Use them to spark great conversation while showing that you are interesting in getting to know her.
Sex. Contrary to what many think, introducing sexual innuendos into a conversation is a great way to build some attraction. Try telling some funny sex-related stories or tease her in a sexual manner. Gradually, she will subconsciously begin to wonder what you are like in the bedroom.
Not only does this tip contribute to building attraction, it will create some sexual tension and, we all know, that this is the best kind!
Remember, it is all about impression and the conversation on a first date is very important. Asking the right questions and stirring up the right conversation can help you more easily shift to increase intimacy and secure future dates. By following these first date conversation topics above, you will be on your way to a second date and more!
Want more first date tips? On the following FREE site, Scott Patterson will help you discover a wide selection of first date conversation, tips and questions you can use to instantly attract her.
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Conversation Topics Women Always Love by Scott Patterson
Posted On at by lulapapsUnlike popular opinion, it's actually pretty easy to approach women and initiate a conversation. The problem is being able to continue the conversation and get them interested in what you have to say. As you probably know, once you run out of things to say, the conversation is finished!
So what's the solution?
Well the truth is it's simple to find topics of conversation. All you have to do ask a woman a few questions about herself then relate them to stories from your own life.
Here's how this process works...
As you probably know, women LOVE interesting and funny stories. You can take advantage of this trait by relating events from your past and tie them to her own experiences. And the best way to get started is to craft your own stories.
No matter what your life has been like at this point, you've probably have a least a few interesting stories. What you want to do is craft at LEAST 4-5 stories from your past experiences. The important thing is to put a humorous and higher status slant on each story.
A great story should follow the same format and presentation as a great joke. Here is a great method for crafting a story:
* The main character should be you
* During the story you should demonstrate basic traits like confidence, courage, and chivalry
* It should be told in humorous manner
* There should be a 'punch-line' or conclusion to the story which provides an interesting ending
Obviously your goal is to craft these stories WELL before you meet women. In fact, practice them enough so you can build drama and humor each time you tell them.
Now when you're talking to a woman, you can literally 'fish' for conversation topics. Simply ask women questions about her background and interests. Then look for topics which you can relate to one of your stories. All you have to do is demonstrate the common thread between your experiences and her life.
This type of conversation works well because you're relating something from your own life to something she has done. Furthermore if you tell your story well, you can demonstrate core traits like humor and high status.
In addition, since you're making a connection to a shared interest, it'll increase your chances of developing rapport. It's human nature to like people who are similar to ourselves. So a woman will like you because your stories will show how much you have in common.
So if you want to increase your conversation success, then I recommend you craft a few interesting stories from your own life. Then when you first meet a woman, you can latch on to her experiences and relate them to the exciting things you've done in your life.
Scott Patterson can help YOU meet, attract and seduce ANY woman! In his free resource, Attraction Mastery, Scott provides over 50 TIPS you can use to get instant results with girls. To claim your free copy of this incredible resource, visit his site right now:
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Three Fun Sex Games You Can Play With Your Woman by Scott Patterson
Posted On at by lulapapsHaving a healthy sexual experience is a vital part of ANY relationship. If you can make things fun and exciting, then it'll be easy to please your woman
Unfortunately, there are many times when the sexual chemistry has gone out of a relationship. Even if you're with an incredible beautiful woman, you'll face some moments when you need to make things more exciting.
That's why playing sex games is a great way to spice things up. In this article, you'll learn about 3 fun sex games you can try with your woman.
Let's get started...
1- The Love Slave
The major goal of any sexual experience is to have an orgasm. This is especially true when it comes to pleasing your woman. If you can rock her world and give her mind-blowing orgasms, then she'll really look forward to your love making sessions.
So what's the best way to give a woman incredible orgasms?
Well it's simple...
You have to concentrate on her pleasure instead of your own.
The first sex game is easy. You and your woman take turns being each other's love slave. When it's time to be her slave, you follow all her orders, and serve her needs. During this time you follow all her requests and focus on giving her pleasure.
Then when it's your turn, you become the master and order her around. She has to focus on giving you pleasure.
This sex game is great because you have fun with swapping roles and taking turns being a dominant person.
2- Take Your Time
Another great sex game is to slowly build towards orgasm. Now as I mentioned in the last sex tip, it's important to focus on giving your woman an orgasm. In reality, most people are in a quick hurry to achieve their orgasm. Now instead of doing this, you'll take time and make things delightfully slow.
A great way to play this sex game is to concentrate on NOT giving each other an orgasm. Instead you should slowly build up towards the orgasm and then stop. The object of the game is to come really close and then keep back off.
Then continue doing this for a number of times. The game goes on till both of you can't control yourself any more. Trust me, this will really provide you both with explosive orgasms.
3- Two Steps Forward One Step Back
This sex game involves building things towards sex and then pulling back. It works like this...
When you're with your woman, it's important to slowly build towards an orgasm. You give her pleasure, then completely back up and cease what you're doing. By doing this, you're teasing her and making her really want sex.
Teasing and not giving her ultimate pleasure is a great way to build up intensity. When you hold back from a woman, you'll drive her crazy with pleasure.
Sex games are a great way to increase the chemistry in the bedroom. If you're able to implement these three sex games in your lives, you'll create a great amount of sexual intensity.
Scott Patterson can help YOU meet, attract and seduce ANY woman! In his free resource, Attraction Mastery, Scott provides over 50 TIPS you can use to get instant results with girls. To claim your free copy of this incredible resource, visit his site right now:
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3 Sex Games For Couples To Light Each Others Fire by Scott Patterson
Posted On at by lulapapsIf you want to have a fun and exciting relationship, then you have to make things interesting in the bedroom. The problem is this is hard to do after spending years with your partner.
There will be times when things have gotten stale between you and your girl. That's why it's important to try to play different sex games.
Here are 3 sex games you can try to make things more interesting...
1- Watch each other
One of the kinkiest ways to add some fun is to take turns watching each other "please" yourselves. It's widely known that almost every person has a voyeuristic side. By watching each other masturbate, you're tapping into a primal subconscious impulse which is generally untouched during a typical sexual encounter.
Now the best way to play this sex game is to get in a comfortable position and watch your women "take care of business". Then when she's done, you do the same for her. Trust me, at some point during this session, the two of you won't be able to control yourselves. And it'll probably culminate in a really hot-n-heavy sexual experience.
By watching each other masturbate, you'll probably learn a lot about what makes the other partner feel good. Then you can use this knowledge the next time you're having sex.
2- Make it a "Blockbuster" night
This sex game is pretty simple. All you have to do is each pick your "favorite" porn video and have a "video night". During your private screening you each take turns acting out your "favorite" scene. Similar to the concept discussed in the last tip, you use this information to find out the special things that your partner wants.
I recommend that you each take turns with your own video. Each session should last about 15-20 minutes and you use this time to "re-enact" what the actors are doing. All you really need to do is to study each scene and then do your best to give an encore performance.
3- Give her an oil massage
Massages are a great part of a healthy relationship. But there is a way to REALLY ramp things up and give her an incredible sexual experience. Simply add a bit of hot oil the next time you give her a sensual massage.
Here's how to properly give her a hot oil massage:
Before your next session, go out and purchase a couple of plastic sheets and some massage oil which can heat the skin. Or you can try heating the oil in a saucepan (Obviously don't let it get too hot).
Then when you get things started, you apply the oil ALL over her skin and give her a DEEP massage. Start out by targeting general areas like her back and shoulders. Then as things heat up, you focus on her more intimate areas. Just remember to cover all areas of her body and focus on really giving her a nice full body massage.
In my opinion, an oil massage is a great way to please her while building up towards a climatic experience. All you have to do concentrate on her pleasure and she will definitely return the favor later on.
Sex games are a fun way to add some excitement into a relationship which has gone cold. If you try out the three games listed in this article, you'll discover it's easy to make things interesting with your woman.
Scott Patterson can help YOU meet, attract and seduce ANY woman! In his free resource, Attraction Mastery, Scott provides over 50 TIPS you can use to get instant results with girls. To claim your free copy of this incredible resource, visit his site right now:
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